What’s Your Lifestyle Project?

I’d love to know what your Lifestyle Project is!

This can be any area of your Lifestyle that you are working on, perhaps you have a blog you are working on? or you are trying to find a new job? Maybe you are just doing some DIY at home or your a trying to get more confident at public speaking? It could be some extra work your have taken on to pay for some new clothes or maybe you want to declutter at home?

Whatever your Lifestyle Project is it is important. This part of my site is where I would like to build a community and put up useful resources for your Lifestyle Project.

I’d love to hear about your Lifestyle Project so why not tell me about what’s going on in the comments below or leave tips and encouragement for others.

Good luck with your Lifestyle Project!

If you haven’t already don’t forget to subscribe RSS or eMail (it’s free) for help and tips for your Lifestyle Project.



Posts that ask a similar question:

117 responses

15 08 2008

I’ll get us started.

I have many areas of my Lifestyle that I am working on but for the moment my main Goals are:

1) Earn an income without a 9-5 Job
2) Be in a Band
3) Maintain Fitness

You can read more about them here and see my first progress update here.

I’ve shown you mine, now you show me yours!

16 08 2008
Billy Waters

I am working at getting better work. Been independent of a permanent job for 5 years but now I want to remove the location aspect from living and working. I have already set up one company for someone else that is location independent. They have an office and a warehouse but there is nothing stopping them increasing in size and moving location once a week if they want to. The systems are there. I am trying to apply that to myself.

I had the goal of keeping fit by riding a bike. Then a course in self defence caught my eye and after the 12 week beginners course I now want to learn as much as possible and participate as much as I can in Krav Maga classes. There is no better way to clear your mind and gain focus by learning a new skill.

I also want to up my skill in the languages I half know. I know a tiny bit of Chinese and Tagalog and want to learn enough to have an acutal conversation.

I also spent years moving from analog to digital everything. An example I am working on right now is to get all my mindmaps and documents into Backpack and Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/for_dprefect/sets/72157605243529329/

I really live my life by the 80/20 principle and sometimes take the pain of a mundane task of uploading hundreds of files or pictures so that I can increase the utility I get from them. I want to be able to work anywhere on any computer.

Krav Maga taught me a few things. Fight from where you are and to always move forward. Easy to say but when you get it right its the best feeling in the world.


16 08 2008

@ Billy Waters

Thanks for sharing your Lifestyle Projects! I’ll be sure to include some resources about remote working etc when I get to my resource sections.

Good luck!

20 08 2008
Graham Lawrence

I’m pleased and surprised to be asked about my own Lifestyle project. So surprised in fact that I’m not really ready to talk about it (and even more so because I’m on my lunch-break). I do promise to get back to you on this though!

A few words however.

I’m trying to take back the control of my life as far as excercise and diet go. Inspired by all things Zen I’ve come to the realization that happiness is all well and good but very difficult to maintain. The pursuit of contentedness is far more rewarding (and a lot cheaper). Unfortunately, I am far better at giving advice to others than applying it to myself.

For the moment, I am taking a few steps backward to admire the path ahead and choose where I want to go!

20 08 2008

@ Graham

Look forward to hearing more about your Lifestyle Project and your plans to achieve your goals. Taking a few steps back to assess and choose the best path in pursuit of contentedness.

20 08 2008

If there is *1* life project at the moment, it is managing all the other little projects that make up life!

20 08 2008

@ Matt

Sounds like you have a Life ‘Programme’ going on there. Find what is most important to you and focus on that.

Thanks for stopping by!

25 08 2008
Les M

Have a family.
Take more vacations.
Work less.
Buy more real estate.
Start more internet sites.

26 08 2008

@ Les M

Thanks for sharing! I think that you have excellent projects you are working on.

Working less, holidaying more and relaxing – sounds good to me.

I hope you are taking proactive actions to react these worthy goals!

The best of luck to you.


27 08 2008

My Lifestyle goals are:

To be more social
To be healthier in diet and exercise
To play more basketball
Get outside more
Take more time for myself to DO things instead of just decompressing into the couch

27 08 2008

@ Lisa

Thanks for sharing! You have a similar outlook to me. Have you put actions in place to achieve your goals? I put targets in place such as a triathlon I’m signed up to to get me off the coach and having that target really helps.

Good luck, and let us know how you are get on.


28 08 2008


Thanks for the support Chris!

I just finished a 30 day cleanse yesterday and feel great. I am going to keep up the eating practices from that cleanse. As for the rest I just put them in writing yesterday so no concrete plans yet. I will keep you up to date.

Good luck with your project!

1 09 2008

i have an ongoing project i call (hyper)streaming. it’s a continuation of my 5-year blogging practice. allow me to share the link here: http://www.c4chaos.com

thanks for asking.


1 09 2008

I’m working on an internet business that will let me leave my 9 to 5 and work from anywhere while I travel the world.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?! ;^D

1 09 2008

@c4chaos – Thanks. Good luck with your blog.

@juliemarg – Yes sounds great! The best of luck (i’m doing the same).

2 09 2008

My current lifestyle project is to find a way for my husband I to keep our place presentable and organized..we’re currently dealing with moves to have new carpet installed..any tips are greatly appreciated. This is like a lifetime goal of mine..

2 09 2008

@ Amy – Have you checked out http://www.unclutterer.com ? A great blog for that sort of thing.

What I’ve done is to reduce the amount of clutter I have. Do you really need everything you have. Chance are if you haven’t used or looked at it in the last 6 weeks, you don’t need it!

Good Luck!

2 09 2008

-staying motivated to walk every day (been doing great… just gotta keep chugging!)

-feeding myself nutritiously even when tired… so I don’t fall in to the cycle of becoming unproductive because I haven’t eaten. (again, doing well… but I notice I’m hungry as I eat this)

-staying on top of my gardening chores

-starting my sewing projects – one day?

2 09 2008

@cmcriverdawn Glad to here you are doing well with your first two! Well done and keep going. Sounds like they may be formed in to natural habits which is excellent.

Good luck with you projects!

3 09 2008

Introducing G/A/S – Goal Accountability Sessions.

Every Sunday, a bunch of mates and I get together for our weekly GAS session. In it, we start off by discussing how we went in the previous week – achievements, failures, reflection. Through discussion, we gain a better perspective of how we did each week and how we can improve.

Following this, we map out four goals for the week.
1. Habit Goals = that is, goals you want to make your habits beyond merely one week.
2. Short Term Goals = Specific Goals who want to get done in the week. (ie go to the doctor, whatever)
3. Incremental Goals = Goals towards a long term idea/project that you have
4. Collective Goals = Goals towards helping the GAS group. Searching for opportunities, getting ideas of how GAS can be improved.

Essentially GAS is not about goals themselves – it is about developing your reflective skills, emotional intelligence and positive thinking. Through feedback and discussion with friends, it is amazing what you can achieve.

Peace out,


P.S – That is the short version off the top of my head – we wrote a whole document outling GAS. Plus we have come up with a number of cheesy slogans over the last few weeks – “reigniting the fire”; “the gas location” (location of the meetings) etc etc

4 09 2008
Debbie Ducic

My lifestyle has been and continues to be exploring all that life has to offer.

My family and I have decided to try life at the beach in Australia and so we are in the process of selling off everything we own that’s possible, getting our papers in order and arranging our lives in Port MacQuarie by December of this year.

I am very much into working to a bring in more of the feminine energy into our world to create positive change and more balance.

4 09 2008

@Eddie – Sounds great that you have a group that you can get together with to formally discuss this. Making yourself accountable to others helps I would expect. Great idea!

@Debbie Ducic – Brilliant. I really want to move out to Australia. I admire anyone that makes the decision and is brave enough to actually follow their dreams! Enjoy the beach and good luck!

5 09 2008

I’m trying establish myself as a writer – have just completed a novel and am also slogging away at an OU degree in the hope that I can find a better job (i.e. earning same money in less hours) to free up writing time rather than getting up at 4.45am every day.

When I have found the extra secret hours I need in every day, I will be nice to my children, iron clothes and even clean the house. Honest!

5 09 2008

My lifestyle goals are changing rapidly as need arises, but here are the goals for the rest of the year. As caregiver to my elderly father, lifestyle change can occur at any moment. Therefore,

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper eating and exercising.

2. Continue to work on my new website and the other two blogs to bring in much needed revenue.

3. Write the first two grants sitting on my desk. Both pro bono, but should lead to more income. I am on a huge learning curve with the website, blogs, and grants. Whew!

Chris, this looks like an interesting site. I am going to take a look around.

5 09 2008

@ Jen – Thanks. Well done on completing your novel, good look with the OU (more money in less hours – I like your thinking). Your motivation to get up so early is admirable. I am not a good morning person. Keep going!

@Edie – Thanks for stopping by. Good look with your projects and looking after your father. It’s good that you seem to be keeping focus on what you want to achieve. Enjoy looking round the site.

5 09 2008
Pink Heels

The long version of my project can be found here: http://pink-heels.blogspot.com/2008/07/transformation-through-yoga-tranquil.html

The short version: To constantly seek inner peace, balance, and happiness.

5 09 2008

@Pink Heels – Thanks for sharing. A good project I think. With inner peace, balance and happiness I guess everything else be just fine! Good luck.

5 09 2008

i am exploring life, i am exploring myself… its very difficult finding the ‘true me’ and i am struggling. i know very soon i’ll see that, i know its here somewhere lost, so just figuring out the way to get hold of it ๐Ÿ™‚

In short my lifestyle goals go like this –
– finding myself.
– make myself more fit.
– socialize more.

5 09 2008

Main goals (I have many, but these suffice for now):

Develop consistency, some kind of daily regimen & accountability–in spiritual life and in health and fitness. (Thank the Lord all the family reunion food is gone and most summer cookouts behind us.)

Query and submit writing projects weekly, to develop more clips and paying jobs

Pay off majority of debt from kids’ college and owning two homes (because of husband’s long distance job) by two years from now.

5 09 2008

@mayankkeshari – Thanks for sharing. I hope that you find yourself. Maybe a change of location, job etc will help? Try saying yes to everything social for the next week to do new things and meet new people. As for being fitter – go for it! Good luck.

@ Karen – Thanks for sharing. I find it is best to trim your goals down to a few otherwise you spread you time too thin and find yourself not making any real progress with your goals which can be de-motivating. Good look with paying off your debts, there are many great motivational blogs which offer advice for this. Good luck!

7 09 2008


First two are covered; Ironman 2012 and work more efficiently so as to get time for the others.

The latter two, are more of a challenge as it’s all in the mind.

Thinking it through more, my four goals seems to cover just about every aspect of life. I`m still contemplating, but if I make any break through’s in my thought process, i`ll post back here. :D)


7 09 2008

I’m still a work in progress:
1. Maintaining and marketing my website Hebridean Life so that it and myself are financially self-supporting.

2. Getting ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in 5 weeks, so while I’ve been working on this goal for 10 years to enter the Order, my personal development will be a lifelong project.

3. To get this croft producing my own veg abundantly without the chickens decimating it everytime I turn my back…

7 09 2008

@Russell – Wow an Ironman, great! I have a sprint to do in a couple of weeks, somewhat different. Hopefully my posts on productivity will help you out with number two. Look forward to hearing back soon. Thanks for stopping by.

@Holley – All sounds great. You seem to have clear goals defined and consistent too, a 10 year goal! Good luck with everything.

8 09 2008

Hey Chris, thanks for the invite. Well I’m working on 2 lifestyle projects right now.

1. Establishing a passive income stream through shutterstock and fotolia, at the same time honing my photography skills.

2. Incorporating a internet content company to replace my 8-hour job.

I am also planning to get into P90x fitness program and post my progress in my blog

8 09 2008
Maddie Grant

Mine’s huge – just launched a social media strategy consulting firm (www.socialfish.org). Trying to balance work and life is hard when all you want to do is work, and blog, and network, and make connections, and build a business… : )

8 09 2008
Philip Campbell

I’m currently working a great job with sleepydog.net – great team great developers. i’m writing with the help of my team a really cool event management, streaming and distribution tool that will be really useful for web events. I’m working on my site http://me.dm to get the blog and pages up to speed, i’m trying to dedicate more time (often requires money) to my daughter who is 21 months. I’m building a 24/7 web streaming tv station system for a client, doing videoblogging more and my show gravity.

All systems go at the moment! ๐Ÿ™‚

8 09 2008

@Manilenio – Good luck with your passive income creation, I’m after the same thing myself. P90x, I’ve heard of that! good luck, sounds painful!

@Maddie – Hey, if all you want to do is work because you enjoy it and it is your passion then that is great! Go for it, good luck!

@Philip – Wow you’re a busy man! Hope you are able to achieve all that you want, and that it all pays off then you’ll be able to spend even more time with your daughter ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck!

8 09 2008

Hi Chris! Thanks for the invite to share. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m working on the following Lifestyle Projects:

1. Training for next year’s marathon
2. Interactive Media Design studies at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh
3. Letting go of the 9-5 lifestyle
4. Losing 10 pounds
5. Maintaining my blog
6. Loving life 24/7!

8 09 2008

I’m working on one overall goal a month. This month it’s been developing a positive frame of mind. Next month I intend to focus on health which will include exercising again, and giving up alcohol.

Overall, I want to get paid for being creative, hopefully be my own boss and start playing my songs live regularly. Plus, crucially, being more organised and wasting less time online!

8 09 2008
Sue Cooney

Great question Chris, and I absolutely love lists, they free up my mind to catch the subtleties.

3 of my Lifestyle projects are

1) Get better at the whole online social thing, networking / bookmarking, by doing something each day.

2) Eat more raw food and keep up with the exercise, lost 3 stone over a year.

3) I have a new project that I’m working on and blog – finish hem, make them a success.

I sincerely wish you the very best with your site.

8 09 2008
Jayadeep Purushothaman

I am joining a startup organization next month, and would be in charge of engineering and I want to run a lean shop there. Otherwise in general my lifestyle project is to follow the lean philosophy in all walks of life and work. Also to be lean and fit for life. In the long term I would like,

– To run an independent consultancy in few years
– To be able to run a marathon and pursue other fitness activities(swim, cycle, rope jump)
– To be involved in a charity organization
– Run a football(soccer) club in my hometown.

8 09 2008

@ Kcato – Thanks for sharing. I’m seeing some very consistent goals between myself and the commenters here! Some great goals you have there, I’ll be sure to post some tips on this sort of thing (from my perspective obviously soon). As a blogger yourself do let me know if you want to do a guest post!

@Milo – Some great goals there. I think that focusing on one goal per month is great. It allows you to focus! Good luck!

@Sue Cooney – Thanks for your kind support! Well done losing 3 stone in a year. Good luck with your goals, I think maybe the social networking one will take up a lot of time!. Another blogger, let me know if you want to guest post. As you list lists, maybe a guest list on my other blog “Lists for Life” ?

@ Jayadeep Purushothaman – I like working lean too. Another runner I see, great! Good luck!

9 09 2008
Jayadeep Purushothaman

BTW, I forgot to mention my uncluttering project – http://jdp-jayadeep.blogspot.com/2008/08/lean-life-style-removing-clutter.html

9 09 2008

learning discipline, 30 day challenge to get out and walk for 15 mins everyday of this month, so far, so good:-)


9 09 2008

@Schizo – Great that you are doing a personal 30 day challenge, just keep it up afterwards! (apparently it takes 6 weeks to form a habit?!) Good luck.

9 09 2008

@Jayadeep Purushothaman – Cool. I’m planning a decluttering post soon.

9 09 2008
Laura Kidd

I’ve spent most of the year working at the whims of others, and while I’ve had some really brilliant experiences I’d love to use the rest of the year to achieve some personal goals, namely:

1) to record my debut album as She Makes War – http://www.shemakeswar.com
2) to write the first draft of a novel as part of NaNoWriMo – http://www.nanowrimo.org
3) to have an exhibition of my photography

Those are the big three, but I’m always working on other things alongside and I’m hopeful I can get a lot done before 2009 rolls around.

Good luck to everyone else with their goals!

10 09 2008

@Laura Kidd – Thanks for sharing. It’s great that you have clearly defined the goals that are the most important to you. The best of luck with them (all projects I’d like to work on myself at some point!)

10 09 2008

I am currently working on making creating a profitable 4 hour work week for myself so I can spend more time living life to the fullest with the people I love the most. I also want to get more fit and eat healthier. My other project is actually learning to focus on my own projects more than other peoples projects.

10 09 2008

I am on the weightloss kick at the moment, managed to get myself up to 104Kg without trying. Aiming for 95kg by the end of the year

10 09 2008
James | Dancing Geek

Hi Chris – Life projects are a great thing to work on. Good luck with your blog.

Mine right now would be:

To get in touch with who I am inside and bring that person out into the outside world. Connect with others like me and find a way to build a life of value.

So nothing much ๐Ÿ˜‰

10 09 2008
Josรฉ Muรฑiz

1. Quit Smoking
2. Do the Couch to 5K program: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
3. Finish my Ph.D

Wonderful site, look forward to reading more.

11 09 2008
Kyle Richardson

1. Complete High School with an Honors Diploma.
2. Be the drum major for my High School marching band.
3. Maintain my faith.

11 09 2008

@Mary – Going for a 4HWW – great. The best of luck to you. If you have any spare muse ideas let me know ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Tayls – Good luck. I’ll have some healthy weight loss posts in the future (already planned)

@James | Dancing Geek – Thanks. Sounds ambitious but very worthwhile. The best of luck to you.

@Josรฉ Muรฑiz – The running programme looks sensible. I did one myself a few years ago to get in to running and it works. Good luck with your projects!

@Kyle – Good luck with your Diploma Kyle. You goals will be successful with the hard work I’m sure you’re putting in!

11 09 2008
Omar Abid

1- Complete my BAC Degree
2- Get Microsoft Certifications
3- Start My own Biz on net and earth ๐Ÿ™‚
4- Success
(5)- Get Married (not sure of that)

11 09 2008

My lifestyle project is that I want to be independent of a โ€œregular jobโ€. (That sounds like a common theme.)

In the short-term, I am doing the whole SAHM thing, so I am being really frugal and making that my focus and challenge. (And I could go on and on about that and make a list of what anyone can do to save a few bucks!) After a year or so of this, I want to make at least $15,000 a year working from home, be it on the internet or something else. I like the idea of freelance writing, but I know it is hard to do! So I am thinking about what I have to do to prepare for being independent now and setting the stage for it. I am also addicted to all those house flipping shows on TV and I have a background in that too, so I know I can do that. That is a possibility. I have a list (yes, another list) of over 15 things I could do to make money later on. We shall see.

11 09 2008

@Omar Abid – Are those in priority order ๐Ÿ˜‰ Good luck with all your projects. However, re: success, you may want to watch the video in this post. Thanks for stopping by.

@Kristen – Yes it is a common theme. If only I knew the answer to make it possible easily! I am trying to find it though. I’m glad you have a long list of potential ideas – the best of luck to you!

12 09 2008
Elmer Thomas

The biggest thing I’m working on now is getting back into the GTD habit.

I think all here would enjoy http://www.ToolsToLife.com


12 09 2008

@Elmer Thomas – We all fall off the GTD wagon at the best of times. Good luck getting back in to it. That link looks good actually, I was thinking of setting something similar up…

13 09 2008

Recently diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, I am learning to manage my own mental health in a way which I can maintain and still maintain my goals.
1. Finish my diploma of event management and work on a long-term plan for my career including starting my own business.
2. Start working towards setting up my first blog which is not a journal.
3. Become more domesticated – learn to cook, get back into knitting and clean the flat!
4. Start volunteering for a charity in the new year.

13 09 2008

@Nikki – Thanks for stopping by. Perhaps you need to focus on one at a time, and allow for slow growth. That is something I have learned, I am trying to build this blog up slowly – there’s not always a rush. Re: 3 – pick a habit per month, perhaps cook one new thing per week to grow in this area. The best of luck to you!

14 09 2008

Hi Chris et all. I’m always focusing on building my business Graphic Girlz Creative Marketing Solutions. This year I’ve been offering webinars on how to use social networking in combination with the law of attraction to get to page one of google and attract perfect customers online. I have a free webinar next Friday by the way, called “How I got to page one of google by sharing myself authentically”. See http://www.graphicgirlz.com/teleconference.html for details on that and my 10 week webinars coming up. I’m also writing a book called “Attracting Perfect Customers Online: A Step by Step Guide for Web-Challenged Entrepreneurs” with best selling author of “Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity” Jan Stringer.

I have a blog I started in January and slowly filling it out. See http://loamarketing.blogspot.com

My biggest challenge is learning how to delegate delegate delegate. I have lone ranger syndrome and an ego that tells me I’m the only one that can do certain things, especially designing and selling my services. If I let go and found people to do those 2 things for me I’d be free.

14 09 2008
Grahame Brown

Hi Chris,

I am in the infancy stages of developing a web of content, in order to develop a global audience to drive a future network marketing business, this will enable me to have greater financial and time freedom and also enable my family and I to live in the home of our dreams.

A pre-curser to this development is creating a different mindset using techniques taught by John Assaraf and Murray Smith in thier new book “The Answer”.

14 09 2008
Lisa Van Allen, PhD, ACC

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the follow on Twitter and for the invitation to share my “lifestyle project”… I like that term!!
1. To build a coaching practice/business that creates positive change in peoples’ lives – including my own!
2. To create a healthy lifestyle through healthy habits (food, exercise, sleep)
3. To be financially free within the next 3 years.
4. To attract my soul mate and life partner, a man who loves God completely and me passionately!

Huge goals… but I see progress toward them every day!
Be blessed!

14 09 2008

It is so fitting that I ran in to this website this morning since what I am up to in life became very clear to me this weekend. I love helping people with their finances. My newest lifestyle project….. http://www.butiwantitnow.com is now 2 days old. I hope to have many people discover the site and help inspire them to take an active role in their financial life.

15 09 2008

Hello Chris,

Nice blog.
I have a blog, http://happinessisbetter.com , that I’m using to help keep me accountable.

Scanning over the answers already given, it gives me a lot of joy that I’m not alone in a journey for financial independence.
1. I’m working on alternative income through
a. Real Estate Investments both active (landlord) and passive (notes, private money)
b. To a much lesser extent in my expectations, but I hope to be wrong, alternative income through my blog.
c. Through another website to two that is close to being unvaled.
d. Other real estate business activities

I’m trying to playing on both offense and defense, financially speaking. I’m trying to gain additional income while driving down our debt and monthly expenses (we just paid off 3 student loans and a car).


15 09 2008

@Julia – Thanks for sharing. I have a post on delegation called “The Power of Delegation”, you might find some useful tips. Good luck.

@Grahame Brown – Good luck with your project. I’ve made a note to check that book out!

@Lisa Van Allen – Thanks. You seem to have your goals defined which is excellent. My blog will certainly aim to help with points 2&3. Good luck.

@Amy – Good luck with your project. I know a few people who might benefit from some financial planning help wanted to buy things… And thanks for linking to me on your site!

@HIB – Thanks for your nice comments about my blog. Good luck in your journey towards financial independence. Sounds like a lot of us are looking for that!

15 09 2008

Nice idea with the Lifestyle Project ๐Ÿ™‚

1. Make more money from what I love to do. That is composing music and expanding my new start-up company.

2. Get well dressed. Needs money ๐Ÿ˜‰ …(?)

3. Stay fit (well, get into better shape and try to perfect my diet)

4. Be a great dad when our first baby comes!


15 09 2008
Amy Guth

Here’s what I’m up to:

I’m a fiction author, so I’m working on getting the next book out and thinking ahead to the one after that. I’m a freelance writer, and looking to shift to more of an essay format in my articles. I blog my usual blog Bigmouth, and am in the middle of refocusing it a bit, and, since I’m a runner and always training for some race or event, I’ve recently launched Bonkless, a running and fitness blog. I started a small-press festival in Chicago last year and am working on the 2009 event. Also I have just started some small steps towards disaster response certifications, so I can give in a way that is meaningful to me.

I’m busy, sure, but it’s meaningful work. My main focus now is to keep processes simplified, work on the “big rocks” that matter the most and keep on top of some new fitness training I’m working on. I feel like when my fitness levels are good, projects come together easily and simply without a lot of fuss.

15 09 2008
David B. Bohl

My lifestyle project is as follows:
1. Recover from being an achievement junkie.
2. Bring quality to everything I do instead of quality.
3. Engage with others in themoment and stop thinking “if only …”


15 09 2008
Lyman Reed

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the invite here via Twitter… what an outstanding idea and list of projects.

My personal current lifestyle project is fairly simple – I’m developing my ability to see the the stuff in every single situation in my life that is positive, uplifting, and makes me feel good.

That’s it!

16 09 2008

Hi Chris,

My Lifestyle Project is:
– become a WRITER. But first, I have to reshape and sharpen my writing skill. At the same time I also have to decide what my favorite topic is and I’m still on my searching now. I also decided to join some writing contest to measure my progress.
– become a happy person – again. Since my husband decided to quit from his job for some professional and personal reasons, and started his own business, I have to be the only person he’s holding on to and that’s not easy. After reading your latest list on Signs You Maybe Over-Stressed, I realized that actually I am. Well, my husband and I must have sensed it, though. Coz he keeps trying to make me happy, despite of the fact that we’re so much limited now.
– a happy person, a happy mother. Again, I have to be happy in order to be a happy mom for my 7-month baby boy.
– make money from what I love to do. Again, for the time being, writing seems to be promising, at least for myself. That’s why I decided to have a blog http://tyuditha.wordpress.com. It maybe look boring to some people, but apparently it’s pretty inspiring for some others. *grins*
– travel to new countries, new continents with my beloved ones.

I think that’s it! thanks for asking Chris. It got me back to my track.

17 09 2008

This simple question: What is you lifestly project has been on my mind for the past two days. I realised I have many prjects always on the go at once, but I’ve never once stopped to look at what they are and define them.

When I examined what I am working towards achieving this is what I came up with;

1) Complete my university degree with the highest GPA I can achieve
2) Expand my social and work network by proactively attending and organising events
3) Increase my community awareness and involvement
4) Re – dicover the things that make me happy and fulfilled (art, creative writing, reading)
5) Learn new ways to show the people I love how much they mean to me
6) Continue to learn and explore with an open mind

17 09 2008

@Anders – Thanks. Re: Get well dressed, I read something recently that said “Buy half as many clothes at twice the quality” The theory being that the high end stuff looks and lasts better. Good luck with your projects.

@Amy Guth – You’ve got a lot going on but I’m really pleased that you say it is under control and focused. Sounds like your doing a great job – keep it up! Good luck.

@David B. Bohl – Achievement Junkie – sounds like an interesting concept. I have written is several posts about knowing when just good enough is GOOD ENOUGH. I think many people strive for levels of perfection that aren’t always required. Good luck with you projects!

@Lyman Reed – Thanks. Your project is a great concept. The best of luck to you and I hope your bring happiness to the world with your outlook.

@Tessa – Sounds like you have a lot on. I hear you about the writing, keep going! More common goals, I need to get posting on don’t I. Good luck.

@Chloe – Glad to see you though about it. It is a simple, but important question. You have a lot there, perhaps focus on 3 to start with so you can give them the right level of energy to realise them all. Good luck!

17 09 2008
Joie Mayfield

You know, I’m in the middle of a big crisis of a lot of things in my life right now. This blog is a very relevant blog for my life, and I appreciate you urging me to participate.

For me:
1. I want to maintain a healthy blog: http://somuchtodealwith.blogspot.com . I believe that it’s something I’m meant to do. I fully believe I’m called to do it. That may or may not make any sense, but writing’s a passion of mine, and I love it.

2. I want to maintain a healthy spiritual life. I feel like the Wellness Model is acurate and it’s part of a healthy life. Social, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual. I believe they all effect the other. For me, I need to focus on my Spiritual health. ๐Ÿ™‚

3. I want to be humane. I want to be able to love another human being without being shown love by that person. “Do unto others, and I would have them to do me.”

4. I want to be the best citizen I can be. If I make an offense, I fix it. VOTE. Be cooperative.

5. I want to read more. Part of #1 involves writing a great deal. I want to speak to others, but I want to listen to what others have to say. Even, at times, reinterpreting it.

6. I want to find a job that I enjoy, and that I’ll be happy doing.

7. I’m going to turn biblical for a minute. For once, I want to follow this principle, “I want to love God, and love others.” I feel that’s important, for me.

8. I want to focus on the now more than I do. I tend to get distracted by what’s potentially going to happen in the future, or focus on things that may be eminent, but not anything I can control.

Thanks for challenging me. This was great! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you have a great day.

17 09 2008
Lifestyle Project « So Much To Deal With

[…] The post at his blog can be found by clicking here. […]

17 09 2008

@Joie Mayfield – Thanks for sharing. I do think it is important to fully understand what you want out of life. You seem to have clear ideas. Perhaps you need to consolidate and focus? (I seem to give that advice a lot!). I find that it is best to keep things simple and focus your energy on those things that are absolutely the most important for you. I have loads that I want to do but after much thinking I have narrowed down to the 3 that are the most important to me at this point in time. The best of luck to you.

17 09 2008
Our Lifestyle Projects (and the future) « Lifestyle Project

[…] What’s Your Lifestyle Project? […]

17 09 2008
Bobby Rio

Great idea Chris!

My lifestyle project includes:

Continuing to be 9-5 free -soley focusing my time and energy building my online magazine TSBmag.com.

Slowly intergrate more and more authors into the weekly publishing schedule so I have more time to work on other passion projects.

I’ve done about 7 trips to South America… I want to take on Europe next.. in longer doses than the 10-14 day trips i’ve been doing.

In the next several months:

Learn Spanish, get better at public speaking, increase listeners at our weekly radio show, put out DVD college product.

And I want to accomplish this while slowly shedding my ego, and increasing my mediation and yoga time.

that is that for the moment.


18 09 2008

My Life style Project????….hummmmm…never thought of it that way ๐Ÿ™‚

To find my true gift in life and what I was meant to do. I am 38 and havent found that out yet.

I live life to be happy, deal with what I can and leave the rest to God…that sounds easier than it is and is a daily struggle.

Being there for people, helping them with their struggles…after working daily to live life to the fullest, it is easier to understand people’s pain and point of view, whether right or wrong. Sharing how I got past it all, help to make me strong and gives them faith in tomorrow.

Working on staying young…..I say this because NOT being consumed with the world’s stresses takes many years off your appearance. Better than Botox and more fun.

I would like to find financial freedom- This a bondage that I would like to escape permanently.

Travel the world and share the experiences with loved ones.

Gain greater wisdom of life

Live life to the fullest
Learn all I can
Love with massive intensity

Thanks for letting me share

19 09 2008

My Lifestyle project right now is:

Get a job.

If I wasn’t laid off recently my lifestyle project would be different. But once I meet this goal, I’ll come update with a new project. ๐Ÿ™‚

19 09 2008

@Bobby Rio – Great that you are not in the 9-5 and are able to concentrate your effort on you site! You’ve got a lot going on there, but it all sounds great. Thanks for sharing and good luck.

@Debbie – Looks like you have given it some good thought there. Finding your true calling is not easy. I think that when people do, they are very lucky. Being there for people is great, but I suspect you do this anyway? Good luck with your projects.

@mmom – Well that is important and you are right to focus on the one thing for now. The best of luck to you, and do post back and let us know how you get on!

19 09 2008

I’ve entered the empty-nest stage of my life so I’m really thinking a lot about this~

*To enjoy this stage of my married life…kids grown and gone…it’s a great opportunity to do things we want to do.
*To be the mom (and soon-to-be grandmom) my adult children need. Love and support without butting in.
*To up my fitness level as I get older…
*To write a book or two. (I’m half done with one!)
*To leave a legacy. When I’m gone I want the world to have been a tiny bit better because I was in it~
Thanks for the chance to do this~

19 09 2008
scootergeek (Roger)

My lifestyle project is composed of many ‘components’ I’m a very complex individual. We are also empty nested now so the chapter is different than a few years ago. I’m really trying to simplify but it’s difficult to stop juggling all of it.

-Work on my writing. I have made strides in this with blogging and twitter keeping me in the muse. I’m taking a copywriting course and have 2 books/projects in the queue

-Get to where I don’t have to depend on a 9-5 job and the geographical limitations of it. Also need to generate a six figure income on my terms.

-Secure our retirement – this is going well, however you never can save too much!

-I have been “playing” with Internet Marketing – realizing that I need to really get the basics such as COPYWRITING down pat before I can soar. Not giving up, just re-prioritizing my efforts.

-My efforts at paying attention to my fitness have improved. Doing the gym 3x a week, pretty consistantly – I am adding either Tai Chi or Aikido (MA, for 3rd time in life) to the regimen. A good idea to do this ‘soft’ exercise in your 40’s to complement the rigorous and calm the mind/chi/soul.

-Trying to be more ‘Zen’ and detached from the outcome of things, esp. in my business dealings and everyday life-stress.

-Want to bust out the guitar. I am a hack, but it really relaxes me when I do play.

-Spend time with my spouse and our dog.

It’s a lot of stuff but I cannot seem to trim down – esp being empty nested now. Maybe my “ADHD” is playing a part, but I won’t medicate.

20 09 2008

So many, I’ll just stick with today:
–to spend more time writing.

–to get to the gym more regularly.

–to get back to t’ai chi (I miss it)

–to give more to my students.

–and to integrate all that into the flow, instead of making it an “oh I should do this now” process.

20 09 2008

@Robin – Thanks. The one that stands out for me in your projects is “to leave a legacy”. This is something I have often thought about, how do you make your mark on the world? This is excellent. The best of luck to you with all your projects!

@Scootergeek (Roger) – A lot going on! You’ll always be busy. A fellow guitarist and writer, excellent. Prioritising will help you, the biggest battle is getting your priorities clear in your head when you have so much you want to do. The best of luck to you!

@Frostokovich – Another writer! A common but worthy theme. Integrate into the flow – I’d like to hear more about that! As for the gym and t’ai chi – just do it. Don’t think about it, just go now! Good luck.

20 09 2008

A few things I’m working on:
– going digital with filing important “papers”
– general decluttering of my home
– getting back in shape
– pushing myself to say “no” more often so I can maintain my balance

22 09 2008

@Matt – Thanks for sharing. I’m getting to grips with evernote at the moment for digital filing. What are you using? Unclutterer.com is a great decluttering blog check it out. Good luck with all your projects.

22 09 2008
John Henry

Hi Chris,
Immersed in network marketing opportunities, currently focussed on this one from global won plus which will hopefully make a lot of people a life changing amount of money. They may not become millionaires, but they certainly will have a much greater chance to earn and win substantial amounts which will help many people in these difficult economic times.

I am also multitasking between parenting de-cluttering and space clearing in my personal life.
Good Luck

22 09 2008

@John Henry – Good luck with your projects. A lot of people decluttering! I need to write something on that soon!

22 09 2008

Hello Everyone,

I’m going away for a few days now so apologies in advance for the delay in replying to your comments.

See you soon!


23 09 2008

I have a few on the go . . . .

– to get organised
– to make a positive difference in my community – am starting a community market
– to start practising yoga again on a daily basis
– to ressurect my garden from the depths of neglect

27 09 2008

Hey Chris,

Got your tweet. This is what I’m up to:

1. My wife and I are looking to buy a home.
2. We’re trying to have a baby.
3. I’m writing a book.
4. I’m in a new job this year.
5. Loving every minute.

Seems like a good project to me.


27 09 2008

@Meg – Thanks for sharing. Seems you are organised enough to define your targets at least :). Good luck with your projects.

@Hank – You’ve got a lot on then! Seems like a good project to me to. The best of luck to you.

27 09 2008
Hayley Solich

My lifestyle project is creating a community of actively engaged, witty, vibrant, women that can take the world on and win. Women Can International Inc has just come through it’s first year and is going great guns. I’m very excited about the Commando Kick Butt Challenge coming up in a fortnight. It’s going to go off.

Thanks for inviting me to share. Pop over and visit my site, http://hayleysolich.com. I’ve also just created a Twitter community in ning.com, http://twittergogetters.ning.com. Anyone can join for free. Come on over!

Here is the funniest song I’ve seen in a while http://tinyurl.com/594cuz and this is a promo for the ning site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHI_tvY5QZ0.

Get involved!

28 09 2008

Thanks for asking Chris. Mine are to:
– Create a very successful Life Coaching practise working from home 20-25 hours a week
– Facilitate 4 fun Personal Development workshops a year for kids and adults
– Write an article a week and get it published online and write a book
– Make my Blog a resource and forum for LOA advice and attract MANY engaged (with my work) readers who contribute to it as well
– Positively impact people’s lives by motivating and encouraging them to live their best lives ever, making a real difference in their happiness levels
– Teach children to have self confidence, reach for their dreams, respect themselves and others…
– Be a wonderful wife and mom ๐Ÿ™‚
Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing. Cheers n good work!

29 09 2008
Maria | Never the Same River Twice

Loving the site, Chris. My lifestyle project is to create time freedom for myself by generating semi-passive revenue streams both through my blog Never the Same River Twice and through some niche sites.

My Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to be able to liberate myself from my day job by my birthday in 2009!!

29 09 2008
Christine Gilbert

My lifestyle project:

I quit my corporate job to travel full time and pursue a writing career. Here are my short term goals:

1. Travel more! (next stop Mexico and South America)
2. Break into the national travel magazine market.
3. Write a book.
4. Pursue the hobbies I’ve put off (yoga, water sports etc)

29 09 2008

My lifestyle project these days would have to be really living my life to the fullest. I’m trying so hard to continually try new things and to push myself in so many new directions. I want to constantly grow and improve. I want to have life experiences that other people have missed out on. I don’t want to waste a second of my precious life on this world. I strive to help others. I look for the beauty in life. I try to find the extraordinary in everyday. I want to leave a legacy. I want to help others think outside of the box about their own life. I want to help stop the cruelty in the world through vegetarian living and sharing my lifestyle of peace with as many people as i can.

so much love,

29 09 2008
Debbie Turner

Hi Chris, my friend Dennis Karganilla put out for a 90 day challenge. I’m taking him up on it and I’ve made a video with my day 1 which I’ve posted to my blog. Basically, I’ve gotten away from a balanced life since school started end of Aug. So, my project is to get back to designing my life to fit all the important things in. I have it looking like this, or at least it’s where I’d like it to go:

Get up when I’m done sleeping which I already do.
Exercise 1/2 hour and tone M-F
Personal Development 1 hour 7 days/week
Eat 3 meals and day that are healthy
Work from noon-4 and then 7-9 M-Thu
Work from noon-4 on Fri.
Take Fri afternoon through Sun off and get back to scrapbooking,
trying new recipes, etc.

Thanks for the community here to allow us to share.

30 09 2008
Stan Settle

My project is to become self-aware of my lifestyle and apply myself constructively. I need to allow for my changing attitudes and aptitudes, actively re-target to my chosen areas of focus (which coexist and build off one another) and develop skills & habits. The idea is to avoid being the victim of my own daily/weekly grind and not seeing the forest for the trees.

This began after starting GTD, which I’m not done implementing, but I’ve learned so much about me. It’s a lot of ground to cover. I’ll need some smaller lifestyle projects to use as building blocks. These should focus on expanding my skill set and developing good habits (mental and physical).

Areas of Focus

Work/Life balance
Physical fitness
Enjoyable worklife
Landlord responsibilities
Making my family part of the local community
My digital lifestyle

Components & tools (self expression, techno gadgets, entertainment, financial tools, etc…)

Gmail & other Google products
Audi A4
Brewing beer

30 09 2008

@Hayley Solich – Seems like you are focused on what you want to achieve there, the best of luck with your project! Thanks for that twitter song link too – excellent!

@Tia – I really like the values that come across with your project. Looks like you are determined to help people and make a difference. Good luck with that and your writing projects.

@Maria – Thanks. Passive income and liberating yourself from your day job, some excellent projects! The best of luck to you. You seem to have a routine planned out for yourself I’m sure this will be a good way for you to reach your goals. The best of luck to you.

@Christine Gilbert – Thanks for stopping by, I am a big fan of your blog! And you’ve already achieved what a lot of people here are looking for, quitting a corporate job! Good luck with your writing and travel projects. I’m not jealous, honestly.

@Lucy – Living life to the fullest is definitely something I agree with. It does get hard to do everything you want to do though doesn’t it, that’s why I recommend to focus your goals and put your energies in to what you want the most. The best of luck to you.

@Debbie Turner – Thanks for pointing out the sense of community I am trying to promote here. Looks like you have a routine defined which will help you achieve what you want. Good luck with pursuing your goals, keep at it!

@Stan Settle – Thanks for stopping by. Looks like you have a lot going on there. Whilst the principles of GTD are excellent, I find that they mean that I feel I have more and more to do each day which is why I like to focus on simplicity. Good luck with your projects, and keep it up!

1 10 2008

Wow. Iโ€™m not entirely sure I am ready to answer, but I have to say that the question couldnโ€™t have come at a better time in my life. So Iโ€™ll give it a shot, and then possibly refine my answer later on.

1. Learn to live, and be happy, alone. As of a couple of weeks ago, I have two failed marriages behind me. I have never really been alone, and am not sure I really know who I am or what makes me happy. Itโ€™s time to find out.

2. Become the adult I should be, and set a better example for my son. Along with not having learned to be alone, in many ways I have never grown up. I need to learn to put my responsibilities firstโ€”to do what I need to do before I do what I want to do. I need to have a better work ethic.

3. Find my job niche. I eventually want to work on my own, but until I am well on my way to completing number 2, that will never succeed. So for now, I want to find a job where Iโ€™m at now that I enjoy doing. I want to go to work and not have it feel so much like a job.

4. Get healthy. Iโ€™m on my way to my midโ€“thirties. Iโ€™m overweight, and my diabetes is nowhere near under control. I need to own that, instead of run from it and wish I didnโ€™t have it. I am looking for a place to learn tai chi, and I need to start eating right. Otherwise I may not make it to 50.

Thank you for this. Thank you for the opportunity to work these things out. I need to post these somewhere where I wonโ€™t lose sight of them.

BTW, Iโ€™ve been in a band. In another lifetime I toured the world playing keyboards in an Air Force show band. It was one of the best experiences in my life. Good luck!

2 10 2008

My lifestyle projects:
1. Run a marathon – I am training for one now
2. Start my company in the next 6 months
3. Keep a consistent blog and build my community.

2 10 2008
Tosin Matti

My lifestyle projects include:

1) Start freelancing as a Graphic Designer in 3-6 months.
2) Continue writing in my blog on a regular basis.
3) Continue with DJing.
4) Stay Healthy.

2 10 2008

@phraktyl – Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the open and honest account of your projects. You are very right that refining your projects will help, but you certainly seem to know what you want which is excellent. The best of luck to you, and I look forward to hearing more.

@Maya – Thanks. A marathon excellent, hope the training is going well. Good luck with starting you company blog community, it’s worth the hard work!

@Tosin Matti – Thanks. I need to also continue with writing my blog on a regular basis, got any tips? ๐Ÿ˜‰ You projects are focused which will help you to achieve your goals. The best of luck!

2 10 2008
Bloggers Launch TrainforHumanity.org Humanitarian Initiative « Lifestyle Project

[…] What’s Your Lifestyle Project? […]

2 10 2008
Bloggers Launch TrainforHumanity.org Humanitarian Initiative « The Blog of RockNRollMonster

[…] know that a lot of my readers (judging by the Lifestyle Projects people have been leaving – thanks!) are interested in running and fitness. I myself enjoy am a (very) amateur triathlete, […]

10 10 2008

I think my current lifestyle project would be to really work hard on my blogazines and see what happens Next. I always like to plan and really focus on that plan in order to achieve it, but lately things are happening randomly, so I guess, the thing is…nothing is really planned in life…

12 10 2008

My Lifestyle Projects:
@A Good Job after my studies (yeah, I’m a student now!)
@Part-time ‘Money blogging’ and become famous in Blogosphere (my wish!)
@Be healthy always!
@A Million Friends through Social Networking!
@More time with family – Happy Family Life !

(still many are there, but I’m stopping here!)

Very Good post Chris…
Ur Friend

17 10 2008

My lifestyle project? Hmmm… Where to begin? I am one of those people who has 90 different things rolling around in their head at any given moment so my projects can range from re-arranging my living room to creating my first YouTube video and everything that would fall in between. To keep things in check, I created two documents: one is My Manifestation List which keeps me focused on the bigger picture and the other is my modified About Me page on my blog that shows my current projects, my mood and goals I’ve set for the immediate future. I guess on top of all of that, my main goal is to balance my desire to “be all I can be” with the serenity of simply living in the Now. ๐Ÿ™‚

19 10 2008

I’m currently working on becoming a proffesional footballer (or soccer player, for you Americans).

2 11 2008

@Patric – Thanks. It is good to plan so that you know where you want to be. Thanks for stopping by and good look with your blogazines.

@Shafar – Just a few then! Thanks. Good look with your projects!

@Kate – Thanks. Really like your about me page idea! You’ve a lot going on. You main goal sounds excellent and I wish you all the best.

@Canary4life – Cool. Thanks. Sounds like a focused goal, the best of luck to you!

8 11 2008
Bloggers Launch TrainforHumanity.org Humanitarian Initiative | Lifestyle Project

[…] know that a lot of my readers (judging by the Lifestyle Projects people have been leaving – thanks!) are interested in running and fitness. I myself enjoy am a (very) amateur triathlete, […]

8 11 2008
Our Lifestyle Projects (and the future) | Lifestyle Project

[…] doubt, I think that the part of my Blog that has triumphed is the โ€œWhatโ€™s your Lifestyle Project?โ€ page. It was a slow start, but once a few people posted the confidence of the community grew and […]

8 11 2008
Time to Take Action | Lifestyle Project

[…] a lot at your goals, aspirations and Lifestyle Projects. Do you have the actions in place to achieve them? Yes? Well watch are you waiting for, take action […]

4 07 2011

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